BSc Business Administration

The Business Administration program enables students to gain a broad education in business administration and obtain the necessary skills required to become successful managers. The above program is designed to prepare participants in the major functional areas of today’s competitive business world. Furthermore, the program helps students to develop fruitfully their mass communication skills, achieve a high capacity of self-development and interpersonal behaviour. At the completion of the program they will be able to prudently investigate the business operation: its enlargement and internationalization; identify and adequately analyze, develop and effectively execute an assortment of related business problems, policies and marketing and management plans.

The program offers a solid foundation in the concepts and skills of international business. The primary focus is on global issues, strategic planning, business management disciplines and competition as well as providing expertise in international business decision-making.
Students completing the 120 ECTS credits of the Diploma are allowed to continue for their BSc with a concentration in Marketing. This helps prepare students for managerial positions, developing proficiencies in marketing, marketing research, strategy and sales management.
The Program of Business Administration has been submitted for accreditation.

Admission Requirements
Minimum 50% on school leaving certificate.

4 Years, plus an optional Foundation Year, Bach­elor of Science.
Students who have completed successfully 4 years of their studies and have attained the 240 ECTS credits are awarded the final degree of “Bachelor of Science in Business Administration” from Casa College.
Students who have completed successfully the first 2 Years of a 4 year program of study and have attained the 120 ECTS credits are awarded the “Intermediate Qualification of Diploma in Business Administration,” from Casa College. Those who proceed with the BSc are not awarded the above qualification.

HTL- 426: Final Year Project  
Students are required to complete the compulsory course ‘Final Year Project’ during the final semester of their studies (8th semester). In this course, students undertake a thesis and complete it under the supervision and guidance of the lecturer and the Programme Coordinator/Head of the Department. They must attend the lectures in order to conduct their research successfully. ‘A Guide to Writing the Final Thesis’ helps students carry out their research, design the structure of the essay, write up the theoretical part, and analyse and discuss their results.
Download the guide to writing the final thesis here

Course Breakdown

Code Year 1 Courses ECTS/Credits
COMP-101 Introduction to Computing 5
ECON-101 Introductory Microeconomics 6
MATH-101 Elements of Finite Mathematics 5
MGT-111 Introduction to Management 7
MKTG-100 Principles of Public Relations 7
Total for Semester 1 30
ACC-201 Financial Accounting 6
ECON-102 Introductory Macroeconomics 6
MATH-201 Calculus 7
MGT-201 Organizational Behaviour 6
MKTG-101 Introduction to Marketing 5
Total for Semester 2 30
Total for Year 1 60

Code Year 2 Courses ECTS /Credits
ACC-202 Managerial Accounting 6
MGT-213 Small Business 7
MKTG-218 Services Marketing 7
STAT-205 Statistics I 5
One Elective from General Electives 5
Total for Semester 3 30
ECON-303 Intermediate Microeconomics 6
MGT-304 Service Quality Management 6
MGT-310 Human Resource Management 6
MGT-322 Strategic Management 6
STAT-305 Statistics II 6
Total for Semester 4 30
Total for Year 2 60

Code Year 3 Courses ECTS/Credits
COMP-301 Business Computing 6
ECON-332 International Economic Policies & Issues 6
FINC-301 Financial Management 6
MGT-330 Entrepreneurship and Innovation 7
PHIL-201 Business Ethics 5
Total for Semester 5 30
ACC-301 Cost Accounting 5
MKTG-301 Marketing Strategy 7
MKTG-312 Sales Management 6
MKTG-313 Consumer Behaviour 7
One Elective from General Electives 5
  Total for Semester 6 30
  Total for Year 3 60

Code Year 4 Courses ECTS Credits
MKTG-411 Retailing 6
MGT-412 Operations Management 6
MGT-418 International Business 6
MKTG-422 Advertising 7
One Elective from General Electives 5
  Total for Semester 7 30
HTL-426 Final Year Project 7
MKTG-418 International Marketing 6
MKTG-420 Marketing Research 6
MKTG-424 E: Marketing 6
One Elective from General Electives 5
Total for Semester 8 30
  Total for Year 4 60
  Total for BSc in Business Administration 240

Code General Electives ECTS /Credits
ACC-301 Cost Accounting 5
ANTR-101 Introduction to Anthropology 5
COMP-101 Introduction to Computing 5
COMP-105 Introduction to Programming I 5
COMP-106 Introduction to Programming II 5
COMP-151 Quantitative Computing 5
ECON-204 Intermediate Macroeconomics 5
ENG-101 Composition I 5
ENG-102 Composition II 5
ENG-103 Composition and Critical Thinking-A Contemporary Appreciation 5
ENG-111 Expository Writing 5
ENG-120 Introduction to Literature 5
GRE-101 Modern Greek I 5
GRE-102 Modern Greek II 5
GRE-201 Modern Greek III 5
GRE-202 Modern Greek IV 5
CY-HIS-101 History of Cyprus I 5
CY-HIS-102 History of Cyprus II 5
HIS-101 Modern World History I 5
HIS-102 Modern World History II 5
MATH-101 Elements of Finite Mathematics 5
PHIL-101 Introduction to Philosophy & Critical Reasoning 5
PHIL-201 Business Ethics 5
POLSC-101 Introduction to Political Sciences 5
PSYC-101 Introduction to Psychology 5
SOC-101 Introduction to Sociology 5
STAT-205 Statistics I 5