
The library uses the KOHA Open-Source Integrated Library System and where its entire book collection is catalogued to meet international standards and be part of the Cyprus Libraries Union Catalogue. For the search of any given book, the Library is fully computerized. A user can track down a book by simply entering the author, a keyword or title of a book. The user can also search the database by subject, so he/she can look at all books in the Library on a specific topic. The library also provides information, resources and services to fully support all subjects and to foster independent study in a pleasant environment, suitable for learning. The library is equipped with an excellent collection of publications, journals, magazines and periodicals as well as audio visual aids. It also contains recreational readings from all over the world. In addition, the library is constantly upgraded with a wide range of eBooks to further encourage research and support student needs.

Students can access our library database by going to and login in with their username and password.

The library is open from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm Monday to Friday, with a full-time librarian to assist the students. Students can contact the librarian, Ms. Tina Maria Fotiou for assistance at